24/7 Suport +233(0) 547043742
Gorontula juice is very refreshing to drink when served cold.
Made with Gorontula fruits, herbs and proprietary ingredients.
It's lighter than the syrup..not thick or too slimy.
Perfect to enjoy when you have an emergency.
Available in 100ml pouches for easy access in your bag 250ml bottle 500ml 1 litre
Vendor: Belle havens secret-Aphrodiasic products
Type: Wetness products
Pure natural goodness. Made with Gorontula fruits. Benefit Sweet in the middle Extreme wetness Sweetness Low libido Low sperm boosting Premature ejaculation
Gorontula fruits available in sizes sold in number of pieces. Gorontula is either small or big.Sold in mixed sizes only.Small sizes only is also available on our website.